📊 Chart 📈

by Ethan Grant

Version 1 (October 10, 2018)

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[Example] 🎓
Generated a lines or bars chart in html and show in web dialog.
⭐ Feature:
Settings are contain in dictionary, you can customize it from a single block.

To add another line, simply duplicate the "Array add" block and input your own variable.

Flow already contained java script.

Require at least 12 blocks to work.

Not working sometime or probably not at all on some device. 😂

🗒️Note: Automate might crash when try to copy the block 2 "set variable java", copy the content instead and create another "set variable" block.
If all else fail, build on top of this flow instead.

📖 manual:
◽ you can change chart layout in block 6.
xsize, ysize: size of the axis scale.
showpoint: whether to show point on the line.
xcaption: text to show on x axis
ycaption: text to show on y axis
ocaption: text to show at 0
showxaxis: whether to show number on x axis.
showyaxis: whether to show number on y axis.
showbars: automatic show bars chart at start instead of line chart.
◽ array add block contain line data, you can add more line yourself by duplicate this block.
color: color of the line (hex only)
caption: name of the line.
◽ group of block on the right side will compile html page, please don't touch it.

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