Automate cloud message

Messages can be sent to Automate from any source capable of making HTTP requests. A message is sent using the POST method to URL with either a webform or JSON body, see example requests below. Check out cURL, a common tool for making HTTP request available for most systems.

Privacy notice! Messages sent from this endpoint isn’t end-to-end encrypted (no cipher account), any recipient receiving a message will be able to read it. See also Privacy Policy.

This form is only for necessary for testing, and to generate a secret.

Required. A reusable “secret key”, generated by clicking the button, used to authenticate the request. Revoke access at any time in Google Account Settings.

Required. E-mail for the Google account of recipient.

Optional. Brand of destination device, case-sensitive. If unspecified the message will be sent to all devices registered with recipient.

Optional. Message delivery priority. High attempts to awaken the receiving device, use sparingly as it will increase battery drain and Google may throttle its usage.

Optional. Payload passed to the Cloud message recieve block, max 2KB. In this webform only text is allowed.

Example webform request

A limitation of the application/x-www-form-urlencoded body is that it can only have a text payload.

POST /automate/cloud/message HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Example JSON request

A application/json body can have any JSON data type as payload.

POST /automate/cloud/message HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json