by Aayush Kucheria
Version 1 (March 5, 2017)
Download (177 downloads)
(3 blocks)
Want to schedule a download so it starts at that only that time, even if your screen is off ?
* Download this loop
* Set your start time(Default - 2:00 A.M)
* Select the download manager in App Package (Default - ADM Pro)
* Start the loop
For this loop you need the a download manager with scheduling download, which should be set one minute after the time set in this loop. Preferably ADM/ADM Pro
For selecting your Download Manager -
1. In the package select the app you want .
2. In the next window select "ADM main" if you are using ADM otherwise the main window of any of your download managers.
** Works on a non rooted device / non premium account / locked device.
Enjoy, and don't forget to rate and review. This is my first loop!
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