by Sebastian Norr
Version 2 (February 28, 2018)
Download (333 downloads)
(30 blocks + documentation)
Just remove the comments & this program will be less than 30 blocks so anyone can use it.
This program continously (15 seconds, when screen is on) scanns for new WiFi networks, when it finds a new network it sends one single connection request to the available WiFi's.
Ideally you can drive around in a city and continously be reconnected without even noticing it.
This is my 5th"-ish" iteration of making this program, so a lot of work & time has gone into making it, and it finally works as I want it, the next step is to add "fluff" to improve the functionality of the program, so have fun!
I wanted to make this program as a basic platform for you to expand upon but only the basics take up 30 blocks now, (if you need more available blocks then there are some logging blocks you can remove without changing the functionality), so feel free to make your own changes in this program , but leave a link to your version in the comments on this program, so anyone can find your program from here.
I will be eager to see what modificatios you will make.
If you like my flows and want to reward my efforts, then leave a donation at:
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Change log:
* Added a second scan block + fork/merge functionality to counter removed functionality in the scan block
* Made it stop updating when screen is off
* Added documentation for the new part.
* Optimized the layout for readability and tried to separate the lines.
* Removed a bug where an address would be added &used twice if the network is both Open and Configured (unfortunately this punches up the block count to 30 😤 ).
* Changed the fiber name in the start block.
* Added another comment.
Just add your name.
Originally Created By:
Sebastian Norr
Modified By:
(your name goes here)
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