NFC Home No Premium!

by Griffin Y.

Version 4 (May 23, 2017)

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Sets settings and adjusts music when an NFC tag is scanned in certain time periods. Good for high school students or people who have a daily schedule. Remember to adjust the parameters to your needs and wants.


NFC tag.
Phone w/ NFC abilities.
Some tech knowledge.
Place to put the tag that doesn't interfere with your daily routine.

Necessary steps to make it work:

Read new tag.
Copy tag ID.
Paste tag ID into when tag read field.

Set media player that you'd like to start.
Any app works.

Tweak times to your schedule.

Feel happy when you walk out the door, and your phone automatically changes everything to save power. And when you get home, it undoes all of those settings!

Update 1.1

Upgraded media playback flow.

Update 1.2

Troubleshooting of flow. Ending prematurely. Issue solved.

Update 1.3

Troubleshooting of flow. Ending prematurely solved again.