Informations par SMS

by Benjamin Mice

Version 1 (May 18, 2017)

Download (100 downloads)

Sends back coordinates, battery level and a google maps link in an sms, sends everything other in email. You just need to send "lost phone" via sms. Now it sends 2 photos with the front and back camera attached to the email. You just need to adjust the email settings to make it work. (plus maybe the phone provider in the sms sending)
The data it sends in email: latitude, longitude, altitude, Speed(not working, dont know why), location accuracy, location fix provider, battery level, light level, proximity distance( 0 is near 5 is when nothing is close to the sensor), pitch and roll degrees, connected wifi's ssid and the sender's number.
These things can help you understand better the environment around the phone.

1.3: if you send "lost ring" it will play a sound. You can adjust the sound in the "play sound" brick inside the flow.

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