Move telegram and whatsapp media to SD card

by mayank gupta

Version 1 (July 15, 2017)

Download (1,726 downloads)

This flow moves images and videos of whatsapp and telegram to external SD card. Runs at 4AM daily if internal storage goes below 2.3 GB (you can customize this by editing the flow)
Things you need to follow. I had some issues on my mi phone to initially get this working.
1. First you need document app enabled to add external card access to automate.
2. Give root access to external storage in settings to automate.
3 Install automate permissions app.
4. Important: Even after giving storage access flow on execution might throw access denied exception. If that occurs, delete this flow and download it again from the community and run it. It should work after that. Reason is automate adds the required storage permission on flow import and if permission did not exist already it never adds it to existing flow even after installing it. So you need to delete the flow and import it agin after downloading it.
5. You can change the time to run, external storage and internal storage location and storage space to trigger the file move process.
6. Check the file paths for your device after configuring