SMS strobe vibrations

by BenoƮt Favreau

Version 1 (July 31, 2017)

Download (53 downloads)

Vibrates regularly when you got a SMS.
(31 blocks, up to 28 blocks if you remove the log block and the 2 toast blocks)

If you want you phone to vibrate regularly when you receive a SMS, wether it be from a particular person or anybody, you can use this flow.

Usage :
/!\ important : first of all, please go to block "Flow stop" (block#53, at the very beginning, on the left) and select this flow. It will enable your Automate to know which flow it has to stop when you ask for it (at step 3).

1. Lauch the flow and pick a contact (or chose "Anybody")
2. That's it ; at each SMS you will receive from this contact (or at each any SMS), the phone will vibrate regularly until you click the popup.
3. To stop the wait, clic again on the flow and confirm.