by Nobin Jacob
Version 66 (January 7, 2021)
Download (7,353 downloads)
This is a mini Operating System.
Hey Falconer's, VERSION 65{Stable} IS OUT!!
P.S :- This flow consists of more than 1000 blocks ,so if you have a low end device which cannot take such load,please don't download...
Updates for this Generation has been stopped.
Download Falcon OS(Ibis) for new features and updates
!!Online Support still available for this generation!!
What's new in Ver65?
*Support Ended.
[Requires Premium]
Link to the Second generation of Falcon OS
Falcon Includes:-
i)A HomeScreen.
(Shows current date and time, temperature at your place, Battery stats and Notifications of top priority.)
v)Some Utility flows
vi)Falcon MailBox
vii)A Voice Assistant (Xena)
(To easily customize Falcon OS)
That's all for now!
Thank you,
Nobin Jacob
Recent Updates log:-
Ver40-64(Nov 16, 2017-Jan 12, 2018)
*Added Ghost Mode.
*Changes to AutoFeed.
*Added Sleep timeout.
*Changes to Text-Editor.
*Improvements for reliability.
*Added Falcon MailBox.
*Added a new Homescreen Layout "Random".
*Added BackUp Logs.
*Security update(part 3).
*Fixed system file deletion.
*Toggle for Music Assist and Xena.
*Added Help Section.
*Added a new game(R.P.S Battle).
*Minor improvements.
*Some changes in BackUp option.
*Added BackUp option in settings.
*Added 3 New layouts for HomeScreen.
*Added a separate settings section for HomeScreen under main settings.
*Added weather info under utility flows.
Ver1-39 (Sep 23, 2017-Nov 10, 2017)
*Added new game(The Memory Game).
*Added fibers for media.
*Added Notification enable/disable option.
*Added homescreen notifications.
*Added Fiber Overload Prevention.
*Removed many unwanted blocks.
*Added About section.
*Added AutoFeed.
*Added total usage option.
*Added telephonic fibers.
*Security update(part 2).
*Security update(part 1).
*Many changes in the overall design.
*Many tweaks and bug fixes.
*Made more Immune to sudden file deletions.
*Added Multitasking.
*Added a new game (You vs Zombies).
*Many improvements in security.
*Added unique ID for everyone.
*Many improvements in HomeScreen.
*Added Falcon Browser.
*Added Sleep mode.
*Added Password hashing
*Added updater.
*Flow Release.
5 stars | 59 | |
4 stars | 5 | |
3 stars | 3 | |
2 stars | 0 | |
1 star | 2 | |
Reports | 4 |
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