🚘 Driver Helper 🚘 - GT

by Gabriel Tobing

Version 1 (January 1, 2018)

Download (86 downloads)

Do you always get distracted by calls and messages while driving?

This app blocks calls when you drive and silences messages as well.

At 3am in the morning the flow restarts, will then ask you when phone is awake if your driving today, if no: flow will restart, if yes: calls will be dropped and messages silenced.

Will deactivate and restart at 2hrs since activation, will than have a delay of 6hrs and reactivate approximately when your about to drive home. Fully restarts at 6pm everyday. Can be customized depending on your needs.


Change log:

Version 1

- Created

If there are bugs or errors in the flow, just tell me and I'll try my best to fix it.

Thank you for choosing 🚘 Driver Helper 🚘

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