[Premium] Phone Finder

by 퍼블릭

Version 1 (October 24, 2015)

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Allows you to remotely control your device with SMS, primarily to find your lost phone.

* Permissions except Potentially Costly and Telephony are optional, through recommended.
* You MUST give a secure command prefix (password) and remeber it in order to be able to send commands device.
* Requires premium license of Automate.

How to Use:
First, provide a command prefix that will be used to distinguish commands from other messages. (Let's assume "rdm")
Then, to control your phone, send a message in the following format :

(ex. rdm turn wifi off)

List of Commands :
ring : Makes your phone ring (ex. rdm ring) or stop ringing (ex. rdm ring off).
location : Sends the location of your device along with an address (if available). (ex. rdm location)
turn : Switches on/off various peripherals. The following peripherals are supported :

* wifi : The Wi-Fi adapter. (ex. rdm wifi on).
* data : Mobile data connection. (ex. rdm turn data off)
* gps : GPS (Geometric Positioning System). (ex. rdm turn gps on)
* bt : The Bluetooth adapter. (ex. rdm turn bt off)

fwd : Toggles on or off the SMS/call forwarding feature. After enabling, sends missed calls/SMS notifications to the commander.
contact : Searches contacts matching/containing given name and sends you the phone number. (ex. rdm contacts James)
send : Sends a SMS message to the given recipient, one at a time. (ex. rdm send Bob Let's have dinner together.) (ex. rdm send 021340521 Hello)
lock : Locks your device and pops up your lockscreen/keyguard. (ex. rdm lock)

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