Weather Notification Cardinal

by Baptiste Bsn

Version 8 (February 7, 2018)

Download (86 downloads)

This version shows Wind Direction in cardinal coordinates.

Automatically show local weather (if available) in a low priority notification.
Refreshed hourly or by clicking the notification.
Battery friendly when no network available.


Bloc number / function
17 : catch failure to avoid stopping flow
18 : auto update fiber
19 : delay between auto-update requests
8 : set forecast advance (default is 0)
9 : default city name in case geocode reverse fail
10 : force language translation for city name (in case you're abroad)
4/6 & 11/12 : gps localization settings
3 : notification settings (priority, content...)

29 blocks (premium free)
Request if you want other features.

V1 : release
V2 : correct bug on temperature display
V3 : correct various bug
V4 : fix multiple notification due to faillure
V5 : change location provider, reduce block number
V6 : fix no notification state when updating
V7 : network location only
V8 : fix wind direction error

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