Car BT Sync +SMS [auto reply]

by OrangeScuba

Version 1 (October 26, 2015)

Download (283 downloads)

This Flow will sense when you are traveling in a vehicle. It will enable Bluetooth and attempt to connect to your paired Bluetooth vehicle. Once connected It will adjust the volume on your phone to maximum. Your phone will stay connected until your vehicle's Bluetooth is off. Then your volume will be set to 70.

This Flow will also handle text messages. If someone sends you a text message while you are driving it will [auto reply] back to them with a custom message.

If you are a passenger in a different vehicle that has no Bluetooth, this flow will make only two attempts to connect. After the two attempts have failed to connect, it will disable Bluetooth and wait until you are not traveling anymore. Then the Flow will wait until it senses you are in a vehicle again.

If you have an additional vehicle you wish to connect to just select that vehicle's paired device in the second attempt to connect to BT block.

The Auto Text reply only works while connected to your cars BT. This way if you are a passenger in someone else's car, you can text with no auto replies.

When you begin your drive it may take up to 1 or 2 minutes for Bluetooth to astablish connection to your car device. If you want a more immediate connection I suggest downloading the One click home screen shortcut widget I created named "Car BT Sync +SMS WIDGET".

** Note.
For this to work correctly, you will need to select your paired device in each "Connect BT device" Blocks. Some blocks are set to "immediately" so that this Flow can sense if your phone is truly connected. You may need to adjust the "Delay"s if your BT doesn't connect in time.

If you don't want the SMS auto reply function just delete the "Fork" Block and reattach the fiber.

Works on Lollipop 5.1