Auto Bluetooth Spotify in Car

by Tripple A Automation

Version 3 (November 25, 2017)

Download (371 downloads)

This application is different from the rest of the available Auto BT Spotify apps.

Once it sences that you are driving:
1. It will enable your Bluetooth
2. Set your volume on 100%
3. Connect to your car Bluetooth (must be paired already)
4. Plays current Spotify playlist.
5. Once you arrive and get out of your car it will stop Spotify play and disable your bluetooth and set your Music volume on 50%.
6. It will wait for next time you drive again and the process starts from beginning.
Its fully automated, from end to end.

NOTE: It will take some time until it realizes your driving(1-2 minutes). Also some delays are built in to ensure some processes are done/ready.

To Startup:
Go to edit mode and go to the "Is BT device connected" components (first two upper ones) and pick your car bluetooth out of the list and press save.
The third "Is BT device connected" component leave it as it is.

UPDATE: v3, Fixed a bug that didnt allow the first two "Is BT device connected" conponents to work. With this version it works.

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