📷 Selfie Burst Cam

by Pete Glass

Version 7 (June 19, 2022)

Download (2,008 downloads)

Flow delays 2 seconds then takes 3 takes pictures with the back camera with all auto settings and displays a toast message once the image has been captured and opens the images taken for review. Intended for when you want to take a selfie but want to use the back camera for higher quality photos but can be used for selfies via the front camera by updating the "take picture" object, specifying the front camera. Update the "take picture" object in the flow, specifying your desired location to save the pictures and make sure the folder exists before running (the folder path is case sensitive). Flow is intended to be used with a widget.

Custom icons for automate widgets are available at www.iconspedia.com assuming you are using an automate flow beginnings shortcut style widget and have a custom android launcher like GoLauncher or an app like Icon Changer from the app store that allows you to change shortcut icons.

* * * Created by Pete Glass * * *

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