Sending a messages from a Telegram BOT

by Jorge Esteban Caballero Rodríguez

Version 2 (May 25, 2019)

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This flow is an example on how to send a message to a Telegram chat using a bot. You will need to have a bot, and your chat id. You can adapt this flow to receive notifications from a Telegram bot.

What this flow will do is ask you to write a message, and it will then send that message to a chat, with your bot as the sender. You will need to change two blocks and assign the values of your chat ID and bot's token.

How to create a bot: start a chat with @BotFather, sent /newbot and configure it. You can also check this for a tutorial (it's not mine) :

When you have your bot ready, BotFather will send you your bot's token. That is the value you assign to the key variable.

You can get the chat ID using the @IDBot with the /getid or /getgroupid commands, or by the method in the tutorial. You assign this value to the ChatID variable.

You can use this to notify you of stuff. For example, if you use a conditional Block like location at and option when changed, set msg to "You left home" and "You arrived home" depending on the case, remove the dialog block and then run the rest of the flow.

You can check the telegram bot API for more stuff.

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