🔨Unsplash Wallpapers [Config]

by Batman

Version 1 (September 2, 2019)

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❗Note: Its a configuration for the flow : https://llamalab.com/automate/community/flows/31572

🏖This is a flow to customize the flow 'Unsplash wallpapers (free)' .

⏺Include option to customize:
✔ Screen Resolution
✔ Saving downloaded wallpaper
✔ Wallpaper for Home screen, lock screen (Android 7+) or both
✔ Wallpaper refresh time.

❗Re-run this flow to set new configuration.

Configuration is saved in a text file named wallconfig.txt in Automate/Unsplash Wallpapers.

🚧 Note :
⏺If you enable saving wallpapers, ensure that there is enough space in internal storage.
⏺Beaware of the data consumption every time the wallpaper is refreshed online.

By Batman