by Automate Developer
Version 1 (June 18, 2019)
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This is an highly advanced and quite extensive example of using the Dialog web block to create an authenitcation flow which aquires a token used for accessing Google APIs such as Google+, Calendar, Tasks and Sheet, etc. with the HTTP request block.
Full description of the Google authentication flow:
Google has deprecated browser authentication for installed apps, however it may still be possible by changing the User-Agent in the HTTP request block.
• Visit
• Create a project
• Create "OAuth client ID" credentials (API manager)
• Choose application type "Other" (used for installed apps)
• The "Client ID" and "Client secret" are required to acquire a token
• Enable the APIs to access
How to use
• Start Authenticate
• Choose scope to grant access to
• Choose an Google account to pre-selected for authentication (web) flow, optional
• Paste the project "Client ID"
• Paste the project "Client secret"
• Start Call API
• Choose the API granted access to above
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