🆗Ok Google - Parking🚗

by Benjamin Cantlupe

Version 1 (March 20, 2016)

Download (1,954 downloads)

Use Google Now voice commands to save and retrieve your parking location.

Say "Ok Google: I parked" to save your parking spot (must be near your car)

Say "Ok Google: Where did I park" to find your last parking spot. The location comes up on Google Maps and posted as a toast.

Using the Google Now Voice block may be unreliable, therefore this flow defaults to the Tasker Now plugin. You can download it for free (with restrictions) below


For your convenience, there are sample flows using the Google Now Voice block. They are marked with [Demo] in the flow titles. If you don't want to download the Tasker Now plugin, try the [Demo] flows then use them to replace the appropriate Google Now Voice blocks.

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