by ma yiwei
Version 1 (May 12, 2016)
Download (289 downloads)
This tool helps to download an user's recent public media content to your phone storage.
* You need an Access Token to download the files
You can get your own access token from:
Please allow the website to access your instagram account
* You will also need the user's Instagram user id in order to see his/her recent PUBLIC CONTENT
Type the following in your browser and enter: &scope=public_content
You then check the line with "userid" corresponding to the correct username
* Before you run this script, replace the following block with your own values:
Block 2: The user's Instagram id
Block 3:
And then just run the script and wait for download to complete!
Request Url Example:
* Please DO NOT share your token with others!
* The author of this script will not be responsible for any account losses.
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