
by Zachary Haynes

Version 2 (July 28, 2016)

Download (373 downloads)

Backup CALL and SMS content on "YOUR" phone to a Google drive account.

There are a lot of commands so this may require the paid version of automate.

You need to set up your Google drive info in the bottom command and on the bottom right command.

For best results (to avoid seeing those pesky notifications) you may want to turn off notifications for automate in your system settings.

You should set the flow to auto run at startup so you can make sure all of your data is backed up at all times.

If your phone is capable of hiding apps in the app drawer I would recommend hiding automate to prevent accidentally deleting it.

Make sure you download all permissions required before running the flow, or it will stop working without your knowledge.

*** You are solely responsible for using this flow in a legal and ethical manner... DO NOT ABUSE IT ***

Change log:
Data for SMS messages will be uploaded one minute after SMS messages are received or sent. This allows chain messages to be stored in their entirety before the upload.

Eliminated GPS tracking due to inconsistencies. Will revisit at a later date.

Added call log.

Rewrote flow to allow for redundancy and less data usage.

Output is now stored in folders based date and files based on the number called or texted.