📦Toolbox v10 JPDE📦

by Justin Klüver

Version 1 (August 10, 2016)

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This is a box of all good tools that i made (like AutoData, Battery Saver, Find Mobile, Pokémon Go mode etc) and some other :)


Deactivate mobile data if your screen are locked for 30 seconds and Reactivate it if the screen are unlocked for 5 seconds
Blocks: < 30
Root: Yes

a AutoData "plugin" to auto sync all data all 15/minutes for 30 seconds (mobile data)
Blocks: < 30
Root: Yes
you have lost your mobile device? but gps and Mobile Data are off and FindMobile are running?
Send a SMS to the phone with "locate" and it will activate it for you! now you can Locate your phone over google android manager or so :)
Blocks: < 30
Root: Yes
PokémonGo Mode:
if you are playing PGO and are tired of the screen that go off? use this! you can simply go walk or jogging and you have only the phone (pitch ~90) in your pants and your phone are not in the sleep mode!
Blocks: < 30
Root: Nope
Wifi Manager (all 4b):

This program continously (15 seconds) scanns for new WiFi networks, when it finds a new network it sends one single connection request to the available WiFi's.

Ideally you can drive around in a city and continously be reconnected without even noticing it.

This is my 5th iteration of making this program, so a lot of work & time has gone into making it, and it finally works as I want it, the next step is to add "fluff" to improve the functionality of the program, so have fun!

Feel free to build upon this program, but leave a link to your version in the comments on this program, so anyone can find your program from here.

Originally Created By:
Sebastian Norr

Modified By:
(or added to a box)
Justin blAblA

Blocks: Root: Nope


Warning: before you can use more than one you need Premium in Automate!

Warning: You need ROOT/SUPERUSER for some Tools

some ideas? please type it in the Comments/Ratings/Whatever :)

Removed some tools (not working) and re uploaded

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