by Bit
Version 9 (November 10, 2016)
Download (682 downloads)
Plug in your headphones and music will automatically start.
Take them out and the music pauses. If push a headset button or double twist your wrist, it will skip the track. Tap the notification in the minimal section to disable.
Some devices might already have the button in use. If the button would pause the music from Google Play Music, try double pressing it.
The volume selection is based of a selection out of 15 (as that is the amount of options of the volume selector).
CAUTION: A loud volume (> 5) could potentially harm your hearing. Use caution.
This flow works without the use of the Automate premium version.
# Version 9
- Double twist your wrist to skip song
# Version 8
- Bug fixes
- Relocated flow in Music & Audio section
# Version 7
- Added a warning if volume set too loud
# Version 5 & 6
- Added option to change music volume
# Version 4
- Forgot to edit some values from the last version :P
# Version 3
- Added ability to select music app (Spotify, ect.) or to use Google Play Music
# Version 2
- Added notification in minimum section to cancel
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