• Intelli Delay [PREMIUM]

by Crimson Smear

Version 7 (March 31, 2017)

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• Delay Manager (Single/Recurring Daily Event) *UPDATED*
• Flow Toggle
• Update Checker

Delay Manager
Persistent Notification with the following control functions:
TOGGLE (timed pause/run) will stop the selected flow then restart it after the chosen delay (or vise versa, depending on initial state)... if it has a functional flow toggle.
Single - begins toggle immediately.
Recurring - begins toggle at the selected time.
*Dismissing TOGGLE notification (in delayed state) will cancel the delay and force the end toggle.
START (delayed start) will start the selected flow:
Single - after the chosen delay.
Recurring - at the selected time.
STOP (delayed stop) will stop the selected flow:
Single - after the chosen delay.
Recurring - at the selected time.
*Dismissing START/STOP notification (in delayed state) will cancel the respective delayed action.

**Dismissing any recurring notification (non-delayed state) will cancel all subsequent occurrences of respective action.

Flow Toggle
Allows for easy ON/OFF control from a single shortcut.
*Affects only the parent fiber, all configured delays will remain.

Update Checker
Automated check for newer version of flow.
Notification allows to view (with following decision to import/run) or postpone (with increasing delay for subsequent selection).

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