Broadcast receive
An action block that await an app broadcast.
The fiber will pause until a broadcast has been received.
Input arguments
- Action — action to await.
- URI scheme — scheme/type of the URI to await.
- URI authority — authority/host of the URI to await.
- URI path — path of the URI to await, glob matching can be used.
- MIME type — type of data to await. See MIME type.
- Category — action category, use an array for multiple categories.
- Use sticky — whether to use an initial sticky intent if available.
Output variables
- Broadcast action — variable to assign the action of the received broadcast.
- Broadcast URI — variable to assign the URI of the received broadcast.
- Broadcast MIME type — variable to assign the type of data the broadcast URI is referring to.
- Broadcast categories — variable to assign an array
of broadcast categories.