🚶Step Tracker 📈

by Fran T

Version 26 (March 12, 2024)

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Tracks and charts your daily step count, duration, pace, and distance. The seven-day moving average of each is also calculated.

Use the Start Tracking Steps flow to start tracking your steps. You can find an estimate of your number of steps per mile here:


The Step Chart flow will display a chart showing how many steps you take each day, how long you were active, your step pace, and the approximate distance you traveled. You can switch between the different kinds of charts using the buttons at the top of the graph, and tapping repeatedly on the Line and Bar chart buttons will alternate them between horizontal and vertical orientations. Charting intervals of one week, two weeks, and one month can be chosen by tapping on the calendar/number button below the chart. Long-pressing that button rotates the intervals in reverse, and long-pressing the Forward and Back buttons moves the window by one day or half the window size.

To switch between Steps, Duration, Pace, and Distance charts, tap on the walking/watch/clock/world button (long-pressing switches in reverse order). You can also choose between miles and kilometers on the Distance chart. The individual datasets can be shown or hidden by tapping on their colored buttons in the legend. Tapping on a datapoint will show the steps/time/pace/distance that day, its seven-day moving average, and your goal. Weekend days are highlighted. Your display preferences are saved if you press OK to close the chart, and can be cleared by tapping the gear button.

Screen shots:

Blood Pressure Tracker:

Personal Activity Tracker:

Sleep Tracker:

Speed Tracker:

Weight Tracker:

Health Tracker Suite:

Chart builder flow:

o Added display of average steps, duration, and distance, calculated for each page of data
o Added display of total steps, duration, and distance, calculated for each page of data; added setting for steps per mile
o Added Scatter chart
o Now supports step intervals spanning time zones
o Fixed problems when dataset is smaller than window size
o New user preference and button long-press experiences
o Added Pace chart
o Fixed duration goal calculation; add duration goal to settings display
o Added dark mode and bubble chart